Heritage Open Days - Rye Meadows Open from 10am to 4pm, 9th to 18th September

The Rye Brook flows through Ashtead Common, Ashtead Rye Meadows & Leatherhead where it joins the River Mole. Over the years, urban & agricultural development has had a detrimental effect on the Rye Brook, with the result that it supported little wildlife and periodically flooded local houses. By restoring the natural processes such as erosion, the depositing of minerals and the occasional flooding of wetland habitats, we are securing a healthy long term future for both wildlife & people.

"Restoring the Great Marsh" - Our story, now available.

Just in time for Village Day this book was published and brought for sale at the event. It sold very well, and everyone who looked at the book was impressed by the quality of the many photographs and the stories within.

The book retails at £20, and Daphne Burnett has stipulated that all proceeds are to be donated to Ashtead Rotary to continue their good works.

You can buy the book via the shop on this web site, and if you have an Ashtead Post Code, we will deliver free of charge. For other areas we can either calculate the cost of P&P, or you can call to collect. Email us to arrange.

The book is also available to buy from our friends at "Stems", the lovely flower shop in Craddocks Parade, Ashtead, and will also be sold at a launch event in "The Word on the Street" on Saturday 8th October at 11 am . Rye Meadows volunteers will be on hand to answer any questions.

Aims and Objectives of Friends of Ashtead Rye Meadows Wetlands

Aims & Objectives


1. To continue in whatever way possible and considered desirable to protect and develop Ashtead Rye Meadows Wetlands as a valuable amenity.

2. To promote Ashtead Rye Meadows Wetlands for the observation and study of flora and fauna in their natural habitat and the conservation and development thereof.

3. To work in partnership with external bodies such as Surrey Wildlife Trust, The Environment Agency, The Woodland Trust, Mole Valley District Council et al, and to involve local residents, local groups, and conservation organisations in the management of Ashtead Rye Meadows Wetlands .


1. To create a mosaic of habitats in order to improve the biodiversity value of the site.

2. To improve the Rye Brook in line with the Water Framework Directive.

3. To provide a site for local people to enjoy while protecting valuable habitats.

4. To ensure the long term management of the land for these purposes.

5. To raise funds and receive contributions where appropriate to finance the work.

6. To publicise and promote the work.

News from Rye Meadows Wetlands

Volunteering despite the poor weather

The last volunteering day was on 8th October and it was one of those days the weatherman says will be "showery". The picture above of a bucolic scene with the volunteers enjoying a coffee and a chatRead more


With Easyfundraising you can donate to our funds without it costing you a penny. Just visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk register and select Rye Meadows as your chosen organisation. Then when you visitRead more

Volunteers or mudlarks?

Volunteering on 9th April turned into an "experience"! Moving chippings to the hedge line as a mulch suddenly became more serious as the tractor and trailer became bogged down in a foot deep morassRead more

Hedge Laying on Rye Meadows

The Rye Meadows volunteers have started to lay the hedge alongside Footpath 24. The hedge was planted some years ago and has now matured enough to lay down. Amongst our team we have an experiencedRead more

Heritage Open Days - 2024

Heritage Open Days are between 6th and 15th September 2024 and Rye Meadows will be open to the public to enjoy from 10am to 4pm.  On Sunday 8th September Rye Meadows volunteers will be on hand withRead more

Nature News from Surrey Wildlife Trust

This edition of Nature News contains details of news, events and information all relevant and local to Ashtead. Click this link to access the pdf. The document has links to various events andRead more

"Restoring the Great Marsh" - Summer Sale

If you are interested in local history, having a good read or just looking at the 200 colour photographs, this book is good value. Written by local Ashtead people, it charts one woman's inspiredRead more


Text below courtesy of Ashtead Common Newsletter The arrival of spring means that we will soon see the return of skylarks to the Woodfield meadow. This little brown ground nesting bird is sadlyRead more

Sad News

We have just heard that very sadly Wyn James has passed away. Wyn was a loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of Ashtead Common and Rye Meadows. Although it looked as though a puff of windRead more

Log removal that was blocking the brook

12 hardy souls braved the freezing weather today to work in Rye Meadows. Despite the low turnout this time (and who can blame people for staying indoors in the warm) much was achieved including theRead more

Adding to the Queen's Green Canopy

Much earlier this year we received free trees from The Conservation Volunteers and intended planting them. The weather turned against us, not rain and snow, but heat. It marked the start of a long veRead more

New supply of Rye Meadows Tea Towels in a new colour.

We have ordered a new supply of tea towels to be sold to bolster our income to help pay the expenses we incur regularly. The new supply comes in our purple colour which matches our volunteer uniformRead more

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