Heritage Open Days - Rye Meadows Open from 10am to 4pm, 9th to 18th September

Rye Meadows News


Volunteering despite the poor weather

Every picture doesn't tell a story

The last volunteering day was on 8th October and it was one of those days the weatherman says will be "showery". The picture above of a bucolic scene with the volunteers enjoying a coffee and a chat was not representative of the day. The showers were frequent and sometimes heavy. In fact one volunteer using a brushcutter remarked the rain was so heavy on his visor he couldn't see what he was doing!

Despite the weather we had a very good turnout and achieved a great deal. We worked in Jack Adams field to clear away the brush that was growing alongside the Brook restricting light going into the stream. Some braved the proximity to the stream cutting back the willow which had grown since it was last pollarded.

The debris was left in piles to be collected next volunteering session, and perhaps then too we'll be able to use waders to get into the stream to cut back brambles allowing the water to run freely. If we don't, any debris washed downstream gets trapped and quickly builds up.

Anyone encouraged to join these volunteering sessions will be very welcome. If  getting wet and tired appeals to you, just email rmadmin@ryemeadows.org.uk and we'll send you details. We do enjoy a coffee and a chat too. We volunteer twice a month on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 9am to approx. 12.30pm (October's sessions were delayed through bad weather).


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